"Freedom; I am the wind."
There are times when I can feel the breathe of other worlds at the back of my neck; it is thrilling and haunting. I am so tempted to turn and find the lips of my other self and mumble something sweet against them--that's all it takes to change skins with one's selves, you know. But then it up and ghosts away, and that sudden closeness, sudden farness, is dizzying. Like a speeding car lifting the hairs of your neck. It was a bit much at the time. So I had to tear myself a new mouth. I don't use it often; only occasionally to scream and grin.
I was born in a valley of kings
This is a dangerous and strange thing to say
Theoretical probability and empirical probability don't link up for me. And I don't know how to make up that disparity. I don't know how to shake this, whatever it is. If I knew, I'd do it. I'd jump. I'd shake. I'd chase. If I just knew.
What..what's wrong with me?
In another universe, theoretical probability is on my side, and empirical close on its heels.
I will never turn in time to find her there, pressed against my back; I am not quick enough. My world is not quick enough for me to turn and steal from her. Trade with her.
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