Monday, August 30, 2010

Because I am an embarrassingly simple creature

Because I do not understand beauty and ideals
In skies
In flight

I understand only bellies
and comfort

I am a dog pushing cassava up from the ground
At best

A dog investigating trivialities
At worst
And most often

We try to say
That this is ok
But we do not always believe this

"Because it's not right."

'Right' here not necessarily meaning moral, though maybe that interpretation would shed some light on some things, too.

Because I am the kind of thing that knows only the road and the necessity of a good place to rest when one becomes tired of the road.

Because I have no conception of perfection
Because, even worse, I am in love with flaws
Yours, mostly

Because I cannot learn what I most need to
Because those few things I do learn I learn from the bellies of colossi
And so my understandings are upside down and inverted
Reflections in water
Functional until asked to
"Stand up straight, lad, lemme see your eyes."
Don't ask me to stand

If you do not dig you do not eat
If you do not seek places you will have nowhere to spend the night
Sleepless nights are tolerable
But cold ones out on the road are damn near unbearable
That's why I'm hoping
This is all forgivable

I want to be a place
For those who have forgotten to dig or find a place to sleep
Even restless sleepers
That shake and cut the earth with
Their teeth when they smile
So mostly you
I'll be this place

"Now ain't that some shit?"

"Do you wanna save the world, Jerr?"
"No. No not really."

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