Monday, August 23, 2010


I don't know what this is, can't identify it, in the same way I can't press my fingers into my skin and know: "liver." I know it's in there somewhere, and I've seen them before, but I've no conception, really, of where it is on me and the likes. But I've been called this twice in the last three weeks, it must be sticking out or something. I don't know how to work around what I cannot see. I stretch and wind my fingers blindly at my hips all day--where is it? Where is it? I could have sworn--Huh. That's odd.


This has never worked before, so I don't know how..
But maybe that's why: I don't know how
There's something to be said for the obscuring of mechanics
Othertimes, not

It's hard to stay on any colossus, but as soon as you get to that back or shoulder fur, you're golden, man.
It just...keeps shifting. And it's hard to keep track of things when they shift. And it's just pure luck that it's all shifting in the same general direction. If you're really lucky, a freak shake from a colossus will throw you off and up to the vital on its head. Yeah. Golden.
"What's it like, man?"
"Great. But there's a space of time when pants get weird."
"They just don't wanna stay on, ya know? It's weird. And that's what it's like."
"'re strange."
"Yeah, well...that's change, kid. Buck up and get a belt."
It's amazing how many eyes and mouths there are out there. I feel like I've seen so many lately. But this isn't about mouths; it is more mechanical than that, it preempts the mouth; this is about legs.
Something strange
LionZeusYahweh--this is just me trying to remember how close-

I've been told I have changed.
But all attempts at confirmation have failed; I remain the same in every watery face I ask. The camera is swinging wildly; dizzying. I only hope I am where I think I am on the colossus.

At 7am this morning I was swinging at the park and listening to The Kalendar Prince and smiling and other things odd and difficult to explain.

See now, you would understand, is the thing.

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