Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saturday Night sketch spam

Much love to Sarah for letting me scan stuff for like, an hour. >_> I cleaned up the lines of some of the ones that got all sooted up, but that's mostly it. I draw faster when I'm...not all there. They're in chronological order, and you can kinda tell. Well, I can kinda tell, at least. Click on the picture for a less crap-sized version.

Rabbits and Jaw Bones
Beginning of the night, but after a few drinks or I wouldn'tve been drawing, I think.

I think someone brought up octopuses. That, or you were all talking about sexy-type things. Sex and octopuses are pretty close in my head.

Frogs and Trees
I've been drawing mohawks lately; they please me. The thing on the right is pretty close to one third of what I drew for my Thought Experiment. The mysterious blank spots are where the Nothing ate away at that world.

Miggity Diggity Monster
The first of several things to not get real hands this night. I enjoy drawing thighs. I have no idea why I wrote "miggity diggity doo" in the upper left hand corner. But at least I remember doing it.

Muthafuckin playlist
The playlist was being changed on the laptop, I think. I like drawing the declivity between shoulder blades. Yes, the words "crawl" and "muthafuckin playlist"are there, and again, I'm not all that sure why. But still, I remembered writing these and going "wow--my handwriting's crap."

No Collar Bones
This was about when the movie turned on. She got bug arms 'cuz I said so. At the time, I was thinking of the ridiculous outfits they were wearing and the fact that cats don't have collar bones. Also David Bowie, I think. David Bowie and cats are pretty close in my head, too.

The Gut Returns
This is when the movie started to bother me and I started feeling nauseous. Not a good combination.

Movie was still on. I think I was feeling less nauseous, but I was still rather displeased with what was happening on the telly. My way of getting back at things that displease me is drawing them. If parts of this picture seems familiar, yes, it is that character.

Oh, chatroulette adventures. :) This made me so happy I had to draw it. Also, as I was cropping this, I realized the word "up" is written upside down on the arm. This is very distantly familiar, but I cannot for the life of me actually remember doing this. It weirds me out.

All in all, that was some fun stuff, and I look forward to doing it (and drawing it) again sometime. You all are quite rad.

Fuck yeeeeeaaaah.