Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I don't like that work takes up my entire days; by the time I get off, a lot of places are closed or closing. My brain tries to close up shop pretty fast, too. But I don't let it. I don't like giving my days away--but this means I get to keep my nights. My nights are mine. My nights are sleepy and wild. My nights are haunted. I don't go to bed until I drop. And it kills me. But these nights are mine.

Sometimes, in some senses, the world does not move. I move, I change, but the world does not; and so I must run to find the parts I need. I go to certain places to be a certain person; I avoid other places because I am avoiding the certain sort of selves I become in those places. I go to places that and comfortable. Places just familiar and just strange enough to allow for entire sections of my brain to be let alone and forgotten. I am where I am.
Today I went nowhere.
Was I no one?
I make places of people as well.
Were you more me today than I?

One side is eating the other, getting larger, getting longer; but the shifts are still discernible, still there, of course. Here is the other now, back again. This is a good time for it; I will not fuss and roar. I will fall silent, as it demands of me. I have made so much noise; I have wanted to; I have had to. I am tired now. My body is full of it, and it takes my mind with it, sometimes when I am lucky.

This is what I have become
Nothing? She wants nothing. She wants nothing. Good God--how I want nothing.

Too much too much
I think I can stop making noise. For now. I am ready to take on the black hole, leftover from a busted up star, that swallows nights whole at the edge of my galaxy. Take on? Tend. Feed. Unfeed. I will sit back and see where it goes, what it uneats next. Two strips of asteroids to the right, but that is too far to coast.
I apologize if I've been rude or a dick to anyone in the last month or two. If I've imposed myself upon you, if I've leaned too much, because I feel like I've been leaning a lot, and often, and on more people than...ever, really. I apologize if I haven't responded to you yet--I have something to say, I just haven't had a chance to get around to a few things since work started. I apologize if I've said anything stupid, because chances are I wasn't thinking. The louder I get and the tireder I get, the less I think about semantics and shit. The less I talk; the quieter I talk.
I apologize for not throwing out a 'thanks' more often. I am embarrassingly thankful more often than not, but shit at expressing it.

Time to sleep; time to put my lips to the tail of a blue snake and put this skin to sleep.
At least for awhile.

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