Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rambling Shit

Ain't gonna pretend it's nothin' else.

Two steps foreword
Fourteen in every other direction

The first ghost I ran from
The second I chased
The third I passed with only small falterings
The first I escaped
The second I lost
The third went to serve the universe

She ran to the edge of the street and pushed her hands into her hair
Crunched down on her legs
Coughed the sound right out of her throat
Glossy red spots of spit
Nearly choked on it but
Pushed it through a fountain pen and
called it dinner
called it done

Now don't be hasty, master Meriadoc.
The hearts and lives of men are quick, and those of birds and mice are faster; I am only acting as fast as my blood runs, for if I do not keep up with it, it will run right from me.

Wakame no jirojiromiru
One of every thirty
Slinging back like old shoes on a wire
Backs beached every twenty nine
into the grooves of Very Large Walking Shapes
They lick each others' necks and napes
Sand back to sand where a child's dug deep
Sky back to sky where a star has blown out
Tongues ever dripping Skin wet
To the chin they are always wet
They are always wet
Even when their noses peel in the sun They are always Wet
Their eyes are filled with it
Their ears spill with it
The sweat of the messenger is soaked with their sounds
They close around him like thumb and forefinger
Against the bridge of his nose their six hearts pound
Beat Beat Beat
They are The Beaten
They are the split-lipped sisters
Black-eyed brothers
Gently tapping harl'd up livers

Drop it

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