Sunday, September 12, 2010


Spinning colors
Heads dropped back
"That's an order," gravity says
Quiet corn is warm
Warmth is

I find myself falling asleep before I can properly describe this
Perhaps that is as best a description I can provide for now

Colors spun to the sound of the sun
A spottish sound in the sun
Blood for oil
The food is altered
The dish is changed
Is it even edible now?
Palette altered or tongue burned?
I fall asleep before I can-

I am not afraid of the dark
I am not afraid of most people
I am not afraid of bugs
I am not afraid of awkwardness
I am not afraid of germs or colds
I am not afraid of gross things
I am not afraid of being yelled at
I am not afraid of seeing what I can survive
Because I will survive, godfuckingdamnit
I am afraid of falling asleep while I walk; literally and figuratively

The tides of Saturn are pulled by two orbits, most often
One leaves the starfish curling on the beach
The other gives them time to get to deeper waters; the sands do not want during these times
This is the difference between the low tides on Saturn
I don't know about high tides
Maybe there aren't any
Maybe the ocean is just pulling itself up into the sky
like somethin's drinkin it dry

And I should explain, maybe:
In this universe, Saturn is a moon, one of three, its brothers being Som and Fuzz. The planet they orbit is unseen and unknown; they themselves are often obscured behind whatever it is that obscures their planet for a good portion of their orbits. Atmospheric something or other. They are pulled by the planet; they pull each other. But Saturn has been showing its face more than its brothers; the planet is pushing it more than the others, perhaps. It has even seemed to leave its orbit, maybe, taking over quadrants I did not have numbers for. Star eater, maybe.
This...this isn't a very good explanation, maybe.

"If you hold it to the light and shift it just right, you can get a single, small point of color right in the center--the best color to surround this one is usually yellow, the color of custards and cremes--and if you pinch your soul and push it through this point like a needle, if you can, you'll have it: you'll have the universe."

But it's good to just watch the stars, ya know?
And watch the watching of the stars

Don't have to rain every night, ya know?

I think I got some business with Everyday Music tomorrow.

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