Saturday, September 11, 2010

There is a head in my head it's a head

I try to remember this
Because when I forget, I see things everywhere
Things that are really just this head
That's in my head

Back to back, shoulder blades matching up
It's a beautiful idea, isn't it?
I think
I could almost draw it
But that desire eats itself
And that gesture, the eating, is more beautiful than the eaten
And left behind is the space where something might be, or might've been, done or drawn.

Sometimes it blows my fucking mind
How expensive pine nuts are
How the mind pines and
blows to pieces
over things with hooded eyes

The bread didn't rise
It wasn't warm enough
It is a poor, flat, dense thing now
But it pleases me to pieces in this form
I do not know why
I forgive it for not rising
I gave it only an hour or so, a few snatches of heat from the burner or warm water
When I have had weeks
And still
I am relearning how to regulate my temperature

Some very warm words spoken
I did not have the heart to repel them
Nor the strength to take them in
And so they linger at the level of my eyes, nose, lips
I deal in declivities; this warmth is strange, like an ephemeral something, or a thick nothing
I do not understand it
But I do not much mind it
There is much a dog does not yet understand
But there is also time in which to investi-

Why is this what I come back to?
Unfinished business with that man and his stories
There are some books I will finish without ever knowing
So slowly will I read them
So fondly will I forget them

Sometimes I-
I read again because it feels too good to deny (that feeling is the lie)
Other times
I read again to drown a little
Force some facts
Set things straight
Hope is easier to move in pieces, ya know?

If I was born here
I wonder if somewhere else, close or far,
There's a kid that was born in a spring
On a mountain surrounded by moons

I wonder if we'd make sense to each other
Or not

I wonder if it's alright to live like this
Or not


  1. you're an interesting writer.

  2. So I've been told
    The answer is no
    No kid no mountain no spring no moons
    So I've been told
    ...Well fuck.
    Now what the fuck.

  3. That's what I've been told
    But I don't know if all of me believes it
    The answer is no
    I don't want to believe it
    I am saying two things
    Neither of them I want to believe
