Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vivis. Elios

Fear of infection (to others)
Desire to preemptively liquidate contact areas based on contact alone for fear of infection (of self)
Quickness of movement;inclination to keep moving, desire to stop moving acting in discordant tandem
Will to move resides in the blood; inability lies in the stiffening flesh

Inclination to reach only for what (seeming) solutions are within unaided reach
Desire to aid
Fear of infection and infecting within the aid environment
Degradation of hours; degradation of weeks (these mark two separate processes)
All processes pertaining to maintainence obscured, so that possibility of infection is not questioned (Does the flesh of the zombified form, or the pre-zombified form, scar as it should, heal as it should, at least in the initial phases of-)
Fear of sleep; of loss of accumulated data and misinterpretation of any recorded data unfit fit unfit
Inclination to close eyes

If ever a look back is made, one will say to the other (for the two forms are split so far now as to see one another), if speech is not beyond it then: the beginning cannot be seen because it is obscured by your desire for it to not begin. When you stare at something long and hard, you see all sorts of phantoms. You look for the symptoms and produce them; you believe yourself paranoid and shut your mind from critique entirely. It begins without name, and under threat of name, it excites; it moves in very strange ways as anything must to avoid the eye and the evernamegiving inclination of man.
All textbook cases of anything begin in nameless states of excitement and will; they would not take form as this or that so fast if the threat of name did not give chase and excite them into a fury of growth.
The word diseased is diseased of criteria.

The eye is lidless; once it sees, it cannot keep from the inclination to keep seeing. It must either continue, and focus, until the subject is disturbed and turns back on the sight, or swivel wildly about the socket in an effort to distract and divert the gaze and keep the subject undrawn. But there can be no nonreaction.

There are desperate poles of temperature. Heat to the point of sweat, followed by a dwindling to chill that is characterized by an unforgiving rigidity. As if the process of zombification were still battling over the body with that other process Eyes

Along the wall of the enclosure furthest from our own camp, there is a spot that has been bent out on either side, waist high, so as to make a narrow gap. Found nearby were some papers, impressed in the middle as if they had been used to pry the metal of the walls. The gap is barely large enough for perhaps our smallest scientist to enter, and this being the case, we are hesitant to believe that anything has left the enclosure, though all other signs seem to be indicate an escape. Until more proof can be attained regarding whether or not Quarantine has been evacuated, there will be no action or intervention on the part of the research team. Observation will continue as usual, though it may be there is nothing to observe. The included pages above are transcriptions of those that had been removed from around the gap, and should provide enough material for study in the meantime.

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