Sunday, January 16, 2011

"What should I do, Jerr?"
"You should do what you want because I don't give a damn fuck."
"Shit, don't pull that shit now."
"I ain't pullin' nothin--it's you that's weighin' me down. This the last thing I do for ya, Ben, ya hear? Last thing."
"Now pull yer arm hard on three. Ready? One, two, umph! Dammit, I said three!"
"This the last I be seein' you, huh?"
"Thas what I said, ain't it? Now on three-"
"Don't you bother. Ain't nothin' left worth savin' under there. Just stay here 'bit longer if you mean on leavin' later."
"You shut your mouth and pull. I didn't get my ass nearly shot off to hear you bitch like this."
"Just a bit longer, Jerr. Let go o' the gears."

I don't know why the idea of one year seems so incomprehensible. Almost offensive.

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